Banana Coins (from Donkey Kong Country)
20 Banana Coins = Banana Juice
Jamba Juice Banana Berry Smoothie = $3.25
Conversion Rate: $1 = 5.19 Banana Coins
   It would cost almost 41 Banana coins to go see an average movie in the theatre.

Pokemon Dollars
9800 PD = Pokemon Calcium
Bottle of Tums = $8.76
Conversion Rate: $1 = 1118.76 PD
You would need almost 4000 PD just to buy an average Grande Starbucks Frappuccino

Lon Lon Milk = 10 Rupees
Real Cow Milk = $1.12
Conversion Rate: $1 = 8.93 Rupees
A McDonald's Happy Meal would cost over 28 Rupees

StarCraft Minerals
200 Minerals = A Factory
U.S. Factory (Average) = $2 Million
Conversion Rate: $1 = 0.0001 Lbs Minerals
You would only need one pound of minerals to buy an average-priced car, and you'd probably have enough left over to spring for automatic locks and a remote starter. (Yes please)

And you thought the Dollar Value sucked......

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