Finally, made it to Seattle, er, well, sorta. I mean I work in downtown Seattle, and love it, but I am temporarily living some 30ish miles southeast from Seattle with my brother in Bonney Lake.....just until I can land an apartment.
Yeps, its going good.....save all the car issues I have been having.......but thats another story.

Well, my birthday is over, and with it my endurance for this city. I now just sit at home and twiddle my thumbs, eager for the end of April. Oh so soon will I be free from the bitter clutches of this city. I am so checked out I don't even feel like I live here anymore, despite my last few months of residence that I need to still scale over.
Less than two months, oh time you are a harsh mistress.

Elizabeth Ann Swihart Holloman, Today I remember you, and all you were for me.
You gave me my first stuffed animal, which I loved to death throughout my childhood, and still is a sentimental reminder of it and you. You greatly influenced my passion for seashells, and were very much into reading Shel Silverstein Poems and stories with me. I wish you could have carried on through today, wish you could have seen my passion develop into what it is. You were the seed to my love for coffee, you taught my dad to love it who in turn taught me to love it. I remember going to your house as a kid, and your kitchen always smelt so strongly of coffee, I fell in love with it.
Thank you Grandma,  for everything that you were, and for everything you still are in my memory.
I love you, and miss you.

As my first quarter century in life comes to a close in this final week, I can't help but take a good look at my life and see where it has taken me.....what am I grateful and appreciative of, what am I jealous of, what things have happened good, and bad. The mistakes and best of choices, the days I have seized and the days I have lost....is there anything I would change?
Nope, and therein I have had a succesful 25 years of life.....and here is hoping to 25 more!


It's amazing how a simple sound can alter ones mood drastically....
On this bitter cold February morning, here I am drinking a tea, nursing my cold, frusrated with the weather and sorely wishing spring to arrive, just all around grumpy. On my way back in from my break, I open the store door and as I am about to enter back into work, I hear the chirping of some birds, and immediately a smile errupts on my face....and now I feel much better about my day. It feels cozy and welcoming now. Thank you birds, for your chirps.


I'm in a delusional state,
Only had 1 hour of actual resting sleep,
I work til five,
Feel like I'm gonna collapse on the floor
I see re-runs of Archer and Metalacolypse running through my head at random
Need more coffee, but less palpilations
And my pillow needs a head.....
I feel crazy.....or does my phone reallly think "yo" should be "to"?


It's funny; on this day I work to escape the drudge of being single, yet it becomes all to noticable because the couples that come into my work....ah absudity strikes again.